I just want to ask your thoughts about girls who buy luxury and designer bags. Do you think those bags are worth it? Is my money going to be put in good use when I decide to buy a designer bag?
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Are they worth it?
I do think that those designer bags are worth the money that you are going to spend. Just look at it as your investment. When you need money in the future, you can sell it.
That's what I have in mind as well, but I hope that someone out there might buy it because they might consider that I'm selling them an outdated version of that designer bags. Well, if they're really into it or would consider it sold as a collector's item, then I'd be lucky.
You can sell it but who would want to buy a used bag? My friends just throw unwanted bags.
Yes, they are definitely worth it because those bags have the highest quality when it comes to bags. Also, having a designer bag is every girl's dream. I suggest that you go and buy one. I assure you that you won't regret it.
Originally posted by PaperRunTayl9or View PostI just want to ask your thoughts about girls who buy luxury and designer bags. Do you think those bags are worth it? Is my money going to be put in good use when I decide to buy a designer bag?
I do believe that luxury bags are not any different to the local and cheaper ones that's why they are not worth your money. Also, you can put your money to better use like starting up a business or putting it in an investment fund.
Buying a designer bag would make you happy. Happy in the sense that you fulfilled one of your dreams. Is it worth it? No, I do not think so. First, it is not an investment that the value will grow over time. Second, it will devalue after some years. Still, you got fashionable using it.
I'm not usually a fan of designer backs as well, that's why I agree with you. I do not see this as an investment for myself. I think only material girls get to see their true value, but then again, I'm not also like those materialistic girls.
missPoisedhorny you are right and every year or month designer bags come and go. Assume that people would always want something new but unless those are limited edition or whatsoever.
Is my money going to be put in good use when I decide to buy a designer bag?
The answer here is a no. Buying a designer bag is not a good idea. It would just be a waste of money. The bag devalues over time.
It's your choice missFabulouspussy if you feel like buying a designer bag, even just one. However, some of the ladies here prefer buying at least one designer bag and for them, they'd consider it an investment, let it be. But I most certainly agree that the part when you said that those bags will soon devalue over time, just like clothes and other trends that are being replaced with something new, right?