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Simple or fancy dress ?

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  • Simple or fancy dress ?

    What should I wear if I go to my first date? Simple or fancy dress?

  • #2
    For me, Simple dress makes you look natural. and I think that is more attractive.


    • TouchCoucher
      TouchCoucher commented
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      Because most of my boy's friends like girls who look simple. missPoisedhorny

    • missPoisedhorny
      missPoisedhorny commented
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      Yeah, because they like natural girls. TouchCoucher

    • TouchCoucher
      TouchCoucher commented
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      Yes, yes, yes I agree with you all. That's basically my main response to the topic.

  • #3
    Will, I think boys are more attracted to those girls who wear fancy clothes. because they look elegant on it.


  • #4
    You can wear any presentable clothes that look good on you.


    • missSimplistichorny
      missSimplistichorny commented
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      HotChatty Presentable clothes can make you more attracted.

    • HotChatty
      HotChatty commented
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      I agree but there are days where I feel sexy so I wear revealing clothes as well.

    • missSimplistichorny
      missSimplistichorny commented
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      Well then it's totally up to you. It would be best to wear what you want and you're comfortable with as they said that it could help boosting your confidence. HotChatty

  • #5
    Simple dress that suits you will would be perfect for our date.


  • #6
    If I wear you. I should wear a perfect fancy dress. because I know boys will like it.


    • missPoisedhorny
      missPoisedhorny commented
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      I think it would be appropriate to wear fancy dress if you're going to a fancy place. The idea of wearing something fancy in a park is really off lol

  • #7
    since it's first date, you should look gorgeous. try to wear a fancy dress that will match to the place that you're gonna date.


    • #8
      You should impress your date so wear something fancy.


      • #9
        Girls, you should look elegant in your first date so you should choose fancy dress.


        • missPoisedhorny
          missPoisedhorny commented
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          Thank you for your advice hun. I always make sure I look good on first dates, I'm just having a hard time with the dress lol

        • missAdventuroushorny
          missAdventuroushorny commented
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          Don't worry too much about the dress, just make sure you look your best and be confident. That's the very essential to successful dates. missPoisedhorny

      • #10
        Anything as long as you look sexy on it.


        • #11
          Just keep it simple, boys like simple girls.


        • #12
          Wear something revealing clothes that can give your partner a boner,lol.


          • missPoisedhorny
            missPoisedhorny commented
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            I know especially tight dress that really hugs your body and can accentuate your curves. Of course a nice cut that'll show my boobs, men loves this and I love their reactions every time they saw me in this dress.

          • pussyClearlicking
            pussyClearlicking commented
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            And like just stepping into the bar, guys head would turn to you hahaha I love that. PaperRunTayl9or

          • missPoisedhorny
            missPoisedhorny commented
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            Yeah, I love those stares too pussyClearlicking